Monday, October 11, 2010

Final Paper Beginnings Part 2

I haven't had much time to write lately. It's both my fault and not. Time seems to be conspiring against me, blowing me away as the seasons change, due dates loom and classes accelerate their pace. And frankly, I've been lazy as well, letting things fall as they will, never taking the initiative to push just that one inch further. I've had this feeling before, this creeping panic, this galling inadequacy. I've been able to overcome it before, to squeeze by just as the semester shudders to a close. It's just the stakes have never been this high.. and I have never before been this easily distracted.

So in an effort to be efficient while procrastinating important work for other classes, I want to lay out an outline for this illusory paper I'm framing in my mind. I have great hopes for this project. I want it to be nuanced, artful... but original as well, not just another one of my perfectly fine but demure papers. I want to put myself out on a limb, explore a little bit what it is to write with abandon but through an academic lens. Perhaps find a synergy between my reflective, personal style and the structured rigor of an academic paper?


Intro: opening marks about memory and its connection to humanness, establish idea of humans being the product of their memories. segue into Never Let Me Go.

1: Introduce the book, outline its major themes, conflicts, characters, and plot lines.

Thesis: by showing the character's collective memory of a place and each other, their humanness is established.

2: Launch into the analysis of place, Hailsham, how it connects to Kathy's memory, how our memories embellish and tint how we remember specific locations.

3: incorporate personal experiences that correlate to Hailsham into paper: Farragut, the pool, the field.

4: Second point about how their interwoven memories of each other bridge the gap between clone and human.

5: Similar parallel in my own life: Our group... our summer... our times together our memories.

6: so what does it mean? To be human? To remember? To NEVER LET ME GO?

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